Extra Credit Assignment

Ai Weiwei: Bare Life will be on view at the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum on campus from September 28, 2019 through January 5, 2020.

Ai Wei Wei, Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn, 1995.


  • DECEMBER 5, 2019 @ 11:30AM


Ai Wei Wei: Bare Life will feature more than 35 works created over the last two decades in a variety of media and include newly conceived, large-scale and site-specific works. Select one work from the exhibition and provide a well-organized, well-written description utilizing the appropriate tools of visual analysis.


  • One page, double-spaced
  • Size 12, Times New Roman font
  • 1-inch margins

MUSEUM HOURS (Beginning on September 28)

Monday, Wednesday-Saturday: 11am-5pm
Tuesday: closed
Sunday: 11am-5 pm