Image Checklist – Final Exam

See also: Final Exam Terms List and List of Periods

Images for lecture Dec. 5th will be added after class

Title: Garden of Earthly Delights
Artist: Bosch
Medium: Oil painting on panel
Location: N/A
Period: Northern Renaissance

Title: Saint George
Artist: Donatello
Medium: Marble sculpture in the round
Location: N/A
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: Gattamelata
Artist: Donatello
Medium: Bronze sculpture in the round
Location: N/A
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: David
Artist: Donatello
Medium: Bronze sculpture in the round
Location: N/A
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: Trinity
Artist: Masaccio
Medium: fresco
Location: N/A
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: The Tribute Money
Artist: Masaccio
Medium: Fresco
Location: Brancacci Chapel, Italy
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: The Expulsion from Paradise
Artist: Massacio
Medium: Fresco
Location: Brancacci Chapel, Italy
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: Birth of Venus
Artist: Botticelli
Medium: tempera on panel
Location: N/A
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: Ginerva de’ Benci
Artist: Leonardo da Vinci
Medium: Oil painting on panel
Location: N/A
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: Vitruvian Man
Artist: Leonardo da Vinci
Medium: pen and ink drawing
Location: N/A
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: The Last Supper
Artist: Leonardo da Vinci
Medium: fresco
Location: N/A**
Period: Southern Renaissance

**Please note that the Last Supper is located at Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan, but for the purposes of the final exam we will accept “N/A” for the location of this particular work.

Title: Mona Lisa
Artist: Leonardo da Vinci
Medium: Oil Painting on panel
Location: N/A
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: Pietà
Artist: Michelangelo
Medium: Marble sculpture in the round
Location: N/A
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: David
Artist: Michelangelo
Medium: Marble sculpture in the round
Location: N/A
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: The Creation of Adam
Artist: Michelangelo
Medium: Fresco
Location: Sistine Chapel, Italy
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: Temptation and Expulsion
Artist: Michelangelo
Medium: Fresco
Location: Sistine Chapel, Italy
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: Libyan Sibyl
Artist: Michelangelo
Medium: Fresco
Location: Sistine Chapel, Italy
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: Libyan Sibyl
Artist: Michelangelo
Medium: Red chalk drawing
Location: N/A
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: School of Athens
Artist: Raphael
Medium: fresco
Location: Stanza della Segnatura, Italy
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: The Tempest
Artist: Giorgione
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: Bacchanal of the Andrians
Artist: Titian
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: Man with a Blue Sleeve
Artist: Titian
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Southern Renaissance

Title: Hare
Artist: Albrecht Dürer
Medium: Watercolor
Location: N/A
Period: Northern Renaissance

Title: Self-Portrait
Artist: Albrecht Dürer
Medium: Oil painting on panel
Location: N/A
Period: Northern Renaissance

Title: Melancolia
Artist: Albrecht Dürer
Medium: Engraving
Location: N/A
Period: Northern Renaissance

Title: Return of the Hunters
Artist: Pieter Breughel
Medium: Oil Painting on panel
Location: N/A
Period: Northern Renaissance

Title: Blind Leading the Blind
Artist: Pieter Breughel
Medium: Oil Painting on panel
Location: N/A
Period: Northern Renaissance

Title: The Peasant Wedding
Artist: Pieter Breughel
Medium: Oil Painting on panel
Location: N/A
Period: Northern Renaissance

Title: Calling of St. Matthew
Artist: Caravaggio
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Italian Baroque

Title: Judith and Holofernes* (Judith and Her Maidservant with the Head of Holofernes)
*Please feel free to use this shortened title above that was provided by Professor Wallace during lecture.
Artist: Artemesia Gentileschi
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Italian Baroque

Title: Self-Portrait
Artist: Artemesia Gentileschi
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Italian Baroque

Title: David
Artist: Bernini
Medium: Marble sculpture in the round
Location: N/A
Period: Italian Baroque

Title: Ecstasy of St. Theresa
Artist: Bernini
Medium: Marble sculpture in the round
Location: Cornaro Chapel, Italy
Period: Italian Baroque

Title: Water Carrier of Seville
Artist: Velasquez
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Spanish Baroque

Title: Las Meninas
Artist: Velasquez
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Spanish Baroque

Title: Garden of Love
Artist: Peter Paul Rubens
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Flemish Baroque

Title: The Jolly Toper
Artist: Franz Hals
Medium: Oil Painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Dutch Baroque

Title: Self-Portrait
Artist: Judith Leyster
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Dutch Baroque

Title: The Blinding of Samson
Artist: Rembrandt
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Dutch Baroque

Title: The Night Watch
Artist: Rembrandt
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Dutch Baroque

Title: Self-portrait
Artist: Rembrandt
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Dutch Baroque

Title: The Jewish Cemetery
Artist: Little Dutch Master (Jacob van Ruisdael in book)
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Dutch Baroque

Title: Bleaching Grounds Near Haarlem
Artist: Little Dutch Master (Jacob van Ruisdael in book)
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Dutch Baroque

Title: Still Life
Artist: Little Dutch Master (Willem Claesz in book)
Medium: Oil painting on panel
Location: N/A
Period: Dutch Baroque

Title: Flower Still Life
Artist: Little Dutch Master (Rachel Ruysch in book)
Medium: Oil painting on Canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Dutch Baroque

Title: Woman Weighing Gold
Artist: Johannes Vermeer
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Dutch Baroque

Title: Oath of the Horatii
Artist: Jacques-Louis David
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Neo-Classicism

Title: Death of Marat
Artist: Jacques-Louis David
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Neo-Classicism

Title: The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters
Artist: Goya
Medium: Etching and aquatint
Location: N/A
Period: Spanish Romanticism

Title: 3rd of May 1808
Artist: Goya
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Spanish Romanticism

Title: The Haywain
Artist: John Constable
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: English Romanticism

Title: Hannibal Crossing the Alps
Artist: William Turner
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: English Romanticism

Title: Slave Ship
Artist: William Turner
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: English Romanticism

Title: The Oxbow
Artist: Thomas Cole
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: American Romanticism

Title: The Stonebreakers
Artist: Gustave Courbet
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Realism

Title: The Third Class Carriage
Artist: Honore Daumier
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Realism

Title: The Luncheon on the Grass (Le Déjeuner sur l’Herbe)
Artist: Édouard Manet
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Impressionism

Title: Bar at the Folies-Bergère
Artist: Édouard Manet
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Impressionism

Title: Impression, Sunrise
Artist: Claude Monet
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Impressionism

Title: On the Banks of the Seine (The River 1868)
Artist: Claude Monet
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Impressionism

Title: The Gare Saint-Lazare: Arrival of a Train
Artist: Claude Monet
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Impressionism

Title: Wheatstack
Artist: Claude Monet
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Impressionism

Title: The Boating Party
Artist: Auguste Renoir
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Impressionism

Title: The Child’s Bath
Artist: Mary Cassatt
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Impressionism

Title: Mont Sainte-Victoire
Artist: Paul Cezanne
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Post-Impressionism

Title: Mont Sainte-Victoire (Seen from Bibemus Quarry)
Artist: Paul Cezanne
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Post-Impressionism

Title: La Grand Jatte
Artist: Georges Seurat
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Post-Impressionism

Title: The Potato Eaters
Artist: Vincent van Gogh
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Post-Impressionism

Title: Starry Night
Artist: Vincent van Gogh
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: Post-Impressionism

Title: Guernica
Artist: Pablo Picasso
Medium: Oil painting on canvas
Location: N/A
Period: 20th-Century